All KLOOTO Games books -- at least so far -- are 8.5 x 11.
This makes ALL the difference.
It's a HUGE format!
Don't waste time messing around with tiny compact puzzle books.
Heck, it's the 21st century... if you're going to buy a book, BUY A BIG ONE!!
With HUGE letters!
And, plenty of space for guesses, doodles, and scribbles.
The following are sample pages from some of the KLOOTO Volumes.
The covers are glossy and beautifully laid out.
If you buy a pair of books and tape one to each foot, you will be able to easily glide across carpet floors.
The paper is nice and thick.
None of the KLOOTO books are edible.
This makes ALL the difference.
It's a HUGE format!
Don't waste time messing around with tiny compact puzzle books.
Heck, it's the 21st century... if you're going to buy a book, BUY A BIG ONE!!
With HUGE letters!
And, plenty of space for guesses, doodles, and scribbles.
The following are sample pages from some of the KLOOTO Volumes.
The covers are glossy and beautifully laid out.
If you buy a pair of books and tape one to each foot, you will be able to easily glide across carpet floors.
The paper is nice and thick.
None of the KLOOTO books are edible.